

ㄧ開始對手工皂有興趣是公司旅遊去薰衣草花園 中間安排一個用皂基玩肥皂的活動 

I had intersting for handmade soap because our company trip,we were going to lavender garden. They had a activities for making soap.

後來自己跟同事又去了香草工坊 做了手工皂 經過老師的解說 才發現 天然的環保又對自己皮膚好 以前我曾在某家店買過手工皂 非常好用 用了不少年 ,後來他停產了 嗚嗚 就停止了 一直想找適合的 但是一直沒找到 這次 自己來動工吧~~~

after that ,I and my colleague Gina ,we went to a class for making soap. after teacher's teaching ,I realized handmade soap is natural ,good for the earth,and good for our skin.Actually I bought the handmade soap before,but which one I bought ,they stop now.So this time......

do it my myself~~


研究了好久之後 我發現原來香精的效果在手工皂中作用不大 那精油很貴 又沒太多效果 那......所以我決定用浸泡的方式 把花草中的療效給浸泡出來 這樣才不會浪費拉~~ 

既然是 自己用 的就高級一點 所以買了初榨橄欖油來當浸泡油 保溼又滋潤 可以做皂 也可以做乳液 乳霜

Studied for a long time , and I found out most of the people they will add some essential oils into handmade soap.but autully thats only make soap smell good ,for those Flowers oils not too many effects for our skin. but florwes its natural & good for skin,thats why most of handmade soap they will add into.

so I decided soaked flowers with  Virgin Olive oil,then i can keep flower's efficacy and make oil better.(thats  important for soap).and also can use that for lotion, cream etc.

So I show what I did:


1.玫瑰 泡橄欖油 ROSE with   Virgin Olive oil


2.金盞花浸泡油 Calendula  with  Virgin Olive oil



3.紫草根浸泡油 -泡這油 主要是要來作萬用紫草膏的   Purple grass with Virgin Olive oil


4.綠茶浸泡油-抗氧化 green tea with Virgin Olive oil

5.薰衣草浸泡油-舒眠又好處多多 lavender with Virgin Olive oil



另外我也把紅蘿蔔削好了 正在晾乾中 因為紅蘿蔔有水分 直接浸泡會發霉 所以我先把他削好 風乾再浸泡 不過紅蘿蔔 我打算用浸泡油萃取法 就不是單純的把東西丟到油裡嚕

等紅蘿蔔 風乾我會做 萃取法的 紅蘿蔔精油 以及薰衣草精油  哈哈哈 我真厲害


其實今天去迪化街買花草時 遺漏了幾樣 桂花 茉莉 洋甘菊 薄荷葉 蠟菊

Actually I Di Hua Street to buy flowers and I forgot to buy a few flowers: Osmanthus, Jasmine, Chamomile, Mint Legs, and Stray Flowers

總之 我打算用百分百的油品 加上我自己泡的浸泡油 或是自己萃取的花草油來製皂 

另外用 天然 我平常自己喝的 豆漿 綠茶 牛乳 紅蘿蔔汁 小黃瓜 杏仁粉 蜂蜜 燕麥 咖啡粉等等依季節不同 來入皂

這樣 就可以非常的安心 盡量使用 由頭到腳了

 I have decided to use 100% natural ingredients to make the oil extractions that will be used in the hand-made soap.  I will use natural liquid ingredients like soy milk, green tea, milk, carrot juice, cucumber juice, almost juice, honey, oats or coffee.  The ingredients used will depend on the season.


我研究了好久 非常感謝石彥豪老師他的兩本書 我有大大收穫 第一本 “我的第一件貼身手工皂” 第二本“3步驟 做頂級天然保養品”簡單易懂(有興趣的人 自己上網搜尋喔)

I have studied soap making for a long time and I wish to thank Stone Howe, a teacher, whose two books have greatly helped my understanding.  The first is called, "My First Personal Handmade Soap" and the second is called "3-Steps to Top Natural Skin Care Products".  
 By 肥皂西施

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